Saturday, November 26, 2011

Kate's big weekly update plus a weigh in.

I'll get right to it.

I weighed in at 244.6 which is exactly 12 down from when I started.

I am disappointed because I weighed in at about 243 before Thanksgiving and also because I lost about 11 lbs. In the first week and a half and haven't seen any change since then.

I have been drinking ONLY water (with the exception of juice yesterday) and a lot of it, so the weight isn't water I'm losing. That's good.

Since I lost the ability to post pictures I have definitely caught myself taking bites of things and eating out of the fridge. I am giving myself until the 10th to get under 240. That's totally reasonable. I should be getting my pedometer in the mail today or Monday, so that will help me a lot.

I know its not realistic to see a change on the scale every day, but..well, that's exactly what I want! I feel like I lose motivation when I see the same number the next day.

I can't wait to get my laptop so I can really start blogging again. I know its important this early in the process for me.

My plan for this week is to only eat meals, not snack out of bags and the fridge (still trying to get out of the habit!). To lose at least 3 lbs. To move more.

Hopefully next week I can report back with good news!
