Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Finally an update! (From Kate)

...and it isn't good.

The problem is that my phone broke.  I used my phone to take pictures of what I ate during the day.  I do not have a digital camera that is reliable or in any way up with current technology, so just to uploading a picture was a huge process every time.

I have not lost any weight and you guessed it, I gained.

The good news is I only gained around three pounds (maybe a little less) and it has been almost two months since my last update.  The other good news is that my phone is fixed and working again, so I can start taking pictures. 

I am not sure why I only gained three pounds.  I really have not been paying attention to what I eat, though I did switch from vegetarian back to vegan a couple weeks ago.

I am disappointed in myself because I KNOW how to eat.  I know what is good for me. I know what I should be doing and I haven't been doing it.  I have been eating outrageous amounts of things.  This morning I had two pieces of toast with loads of peanut butter. 

The only thing I've done well with is not drinking diet soda.  I have slipped up a few times..having a can of diet coke at a friends house, then buying a diet ginger ale on a weekend.   Overall I've done great in this area.

I have done TERRIBLE with water.  I don't know why it is such a challenge for me to drink water.  I feel so much better when I do.  I guess I should admit that the only liquid other than coffee that I drink in a day is whatever I drink with pills.  That equals less than a glass.  I know, I know!  I am probably severely dehydrated.   I'm really going to work on it.  Maybe that's why it appears I have only gained about 3 pounds.  Maybe once I start drinking water again I will gain.

In any case...I am back!
I am not 256 where I started.  I am 243.  I am not going to promise to update every day, but I am going to do the best I can.

Hope everyone else is doing well.
