Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Our first (combined) food log blog

We are combining our first food log because we happen to be in the same house today.

x 2 each.

1 egg, 1 round Morning Star faux sausage and 1 and 1/2 slices Morning Star faux bacon each.

Karen: 20 pretzels - Kate: 25 pretzels

Identical salads for lunch

Karen had 1/4th of a peanut butter sandwich in a moment of desperation

Home made vegetarian chili and hocake for dinner

One of each for both of us over the course of the day

Half of this sucker right out of the bottle for Kate

Two of these beauties for Karen before bed

That completes our food/drink intake for November the 9th, 2011

(Yes, we drank NO water)

The 2 Broad Broads

With a combined weight of 431 lbs. and a combined height of 10 feet and 9 inches, we are a mother and daughter team that make up 2 Broad Broads.

More specifically we are Karen and Kate, a couple of short, overweight italian women who happen to be related.

Unemployment, marriage, separation, divorce, death, births, relocation, career changes, ghosts from churches past, neurotic mothers, absent fathers, control, no control and relationships with douchebags -- all just reasons, but not excuses for our portly physiques.

Karen, forced out of a severe, cold, sour, vagina in early 1957.  A fearful and lonely childhood, a rebellious, dangerous adolescence, followed by years of soul-searching, self-help books and eating in excess to deal with the surfacing emotions.  At 54 years old, 175 lbs., going through a divorce, a career change and weekly therapy, its now time to shed the extra pounds.

Kate, 26 years old, mother to 3 boys, single.  Parents were separated, was home-schooled and completely socially inept until right around...25.  Several failed relationships, lots of denial, bouts of depression and a shit-ton of BBQ Lays to cope with feeling like an outcast and failure.  256 lbs, 7 weeks postpartum and ready to change the life-long habit of numbing all pain with a cupcake..or 5.

Some days we will eat breakfast for dinner, or dinner for breakfast.  Some meals we may eat out of a pan.  Some oatmeal we may eat with a fork.  We aren't counting calories, we are simply working on our portion control and trying to only eat the things we love.  There are no restrictions besides our vegetarian diet, which means you may see sugar-free energy drinks one day and sugary energy drinks the next day.  This blog is all about honesty with ourselves and honesty with other women (and men!) who may be struggling with weight both physically and emotionally as well.

What we know for sure is that diets have not worked for us, diet programs are expensive and hard to stick to, and that to truly keep weight off we need to change habits, trust ourselves and stay human.  We aren't going to eat grapefruit for breakfast for the rest of our lives or drink a chalky diet shake at exactly 8:16 am every morning.  We want to live, eat, love ourselves and have good relationships.

We are always glad to hear other people's stories and experiences and happy to share ours.  We also have personal blogs that go more in depth with our individual lives and the links to those can be found in our profile.

There's no turning back now!

- 2 Broad Broads