Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Our first (combined) food log blog

We are combining our first food log because we happen to be in the same house today.

x 2 each.

1 egg, 1 round Morning Star faux sausage and 1 and 1/2 slices Morning Star faux bacon each.

Karen: 20 pretzels - Kate: 25 pretzels

Identical salads for lunch

Karen had 1/4th of a peanut butter sandwich in a moment of desperation

Home made vegetarian chili and hocake for dinner

One of each for both of us over the course of the day

Half of this sucker right out of the bottle for Kate

Two of these beauties for Karen before bed

That completes our food/drink intake for November the 9th, 2011

(Yes, we drank NO water)

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