Monday, November 28, 2011

Kate's non log

Okay, so its not a log, but it is a good update.  I got my laptop and soon my phone will be fixed, so either way I'll be able to start logging my food again.

I'm drinking a peppermint mocha from Starbucks right now.  Im just enjoying it rather than beating myself up over it.  Its delicious and Im using their WiFi so I feel like I had to buy something anyway.

Expect an update soon!


Karen's log

Difficult weekend to post but I did pretty good. I'm also drinking a lot of water and I've been doing weight exercises every other day.

Today I had a blueberry pancake with boysenberry syrup.
Lunch, a small bowl of goulash which I made with home grown tomatillos and tomatoes! I also had an orange.
Dinner, 2 tacos with goulash and cheese filling.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Kate's big weekly update plus a weigh in.

I'll get right to it.

I weighed in at 244.6 which is exactly 12 down from when I started.

I am disappointed because I weighed in at about 243 before Thanksgiving and also because I lost about 11 lbs. In the first week and a half and haven't seen any change since then.

I have been drinking ONLY water (with the exception of juice yesterday) and a lot of it, so the weight isn't water I'm losing. That's good.

Since I lost the ability to post pictures I have definitely caught myself taking bites of things and eating out of the fridge. I am giving myself until the 10th to get under 240. That's totally reasonable. I should be getting my pedometer in the mail today or Monday, so that will help me a lot.

I know its not realistic to see a change on the scale every day, but..well, that's exactly what I want! I feel like I lose motivation when I see the same number the next day.

I can't wait to get my laptop so I can really start blogging again. I know its important this early in the process for me.

My plan for this week is to only eat meals, not snack out of bags and the fridge (still trying to get out of the habit!). To lose at least 3 lbs. To move more.

Hopefully next week I can report back with good news!


Friday, November 25, 2011

Karen's log

I had 1 cup of coffee and 1 poached egg, half a roll and 4 faux bacon wraps for breakfast.
An orange for a snack.
I had leftovers for lunch and dinner. Delicious x 2!

Kate's non-log 11/25/2011

Still working on getting my phone working so I can get back to taking pictures and updating everyday.

The good news is that I ordered a laptop today, which should arrive within 3-5 days. No longer will I have to struggle with my tiny phone keyboard to post updates!

I ate left over stuffing today. I shouldn't have. It was emotional eating for sure. I'm sick and just want to get out of my house, but am unable to right now. Will be nice to have my babysitter (a great grandma) back on Monday. Hopefully will be able get out for a walk or just a ride!


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving log

We spent the day together. Kate did almost all the cooking and it was so good! Smoked salmon in country gravy, awesome! We both had a small plate.
We both had a sliver of pecan and blackberry pie, so yummy!
Kate had much more restraint than I did on the other goodies. I ate at least 6 of the faux bacon wrapped albacore,a handful of chips a little dip and too much cheese! Oh and 4 deviled eggs!
We had such a calm wonderful day. It might be the best Thanksgiving I've ever had. I'm thankful that I have people in my life who love me unconditionally.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Karen's log

This morning I had 1 egg and 2 faux sausage and 3 cups of coffee.
I just wanted a banana for lunch.
Dressing and potatoes for dinner.
I did pretty good on water today!

Karen's Tuesday log.

1 egg and 2 faux sausage. I ended up giving about half my breakfast to my dog. She's getting chubby!
Butta bean! Butta bang! Hahaha
I had an orange and 2 glasses of wine.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Kate's sort-of-log 11/22/2011

Had some crappy stuff happen today. Medical as well as my phone overheating, which I use to update this blog. I'm hoping to get back to picture blogging within a week or so.

For now..

I had 3 small cups of coffee
1 cup regular cheerios
1 banana
1 diet rockstar
1 piece of bread with a small amount of light egg salad on top
About 2/3 cup of a home-made potato concoction.

All my water.
Wish it would have been less fat and more balanced. Today it would have been so easy to eat for emotional reasons, but I kept it to a minimum. So, I'm going easy on myself.

Going to cook stuff for Thanksgiving tomorrow. Wish me luck keeping my hands to myself.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Kate's log 11/21/11

Crappy day for eating.
2 and a half cups of coffee that I forgot to take a picture of.

Not stoked about drinking the sugar free rockstar, but I was doing thanksgiving shopping and I went down the isle...oh well!

I had to use this picture because my son has his hands down his shorts in the back. MEN! Anyway, I had one faux hotdog and a few pretzels. My son ate the other half.

I'm on my 5th 16.9 oz water and hope to drink a couple more before bed
Going to eat better tomorrow.

Karen's log

I had a piece of toast this morning and 2 scrambled eggs with Baco's and a gas station coffee (not pictured)
Was busy and didn't eat lunch but had dressing and mashed potatoes for dinner. Yum!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Kate's log 11/20/11

1 cup multigrain cheerios. 1/4th cup milk. No banana today! I'm out!

I knew I had to eat something before I walked because I would get light headed. A smart dog (faux meat) and garbonzos made the cup. 1/4th cup of the garbonzos.

3 cups of coffee in the middle of the day.

About a cup of pasta.

+ 6-7 16.9 oz water bottles.

I'm not really into food today.

Karen's log

Not much to see here. Sunday's are weird.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Karen's weekly update

  This week I had a revelation!
  I have a therapist who's helping me through some big changes in my life. She gave me a mantra that really rang true for me;  I create my own reality and the point of power is now.  I've been saying it to myself everyday.  It just dawned on me one day that I'm creating my own reality with every bite I eat or don't eat, with every good choice or bad choice. The point of power IS NOW!!!

  Pulling into Taco Bell? That's the point of power to create my own reality.  Drive by?  I'm creating my reality. I'm full after only half the sandwich? How can I create the reality I want? Feed the other half to my dog!

  I know first hand how motivation comes and goes but this is big for me. I control my reality. It's not that I'm broke or stressed or people piss me off. Those things test my self discipline but I always have the final choice.

  If I can live in the moment, I can stay in control of my body, what it does, what goes into it!  If I decide to eat a cupcake I can love that cupcake, enjoy it, taste it. When I pick up the second one I can decide if eating another one will create the reality I want or am I subconsciously creating my big fat reality!

Karen's log, Saturday

Breakfast, 2 coffees which I forgot to photograph (you've seen em before) 2 eggs and a faux sausage patty.
Lunch, a little pasta with a few veggies.
Salad for dinner with Bacos, cheese, radishes, tomatoes, green onions and olive oil and vinegar dressing.
Dessert I had a lot of Greek yogurt and a banana.

Kate's log 11/19/11 DRAFT

I have a horrible cold and am just not in the mood to even think today. Tried to not screw up.

About 2 and a half cups.

1 cup multigrain cheerios, 1/4th cup milk. 1 banana.

Between 1/4th and 1/2 cup garbonzos.

2 smart dogs. (faux meat) this is really gross looking.

Not proud of this! Not even worth it.

A pretty large apple.

I'm also on my 6th water.

Kate's weekly update

I guess overall its been a successful week, even though I've eaten less fresh fruits and veggies and more soy.

I ordered a new scale on Amazon as well as a pedometer. I got inspired to do so from Bob Greene's book. I can't do typical exercise most of the time because I've got my 3 kids. For safety reasons I won't go places with all 3 alone. I'd be in big trouble if one decided to wander or if god forbid someone were to approach me (there was a man exposing himself on the closest trail recently). So, I decided a pedometer would really work well for me. I can see how many steps I'm taking now and increase daily. My house is absolutely tiny, but I CAN move more. I do things like put clean laundry in the front room and then walk to the appropriate room to put each thing away. It seems small, but I've got to increase my activity any way I can.

Water. I'm doing ok with water. Or, I thought so anyway. I have been drinking at least 4 - 16.9 oz. water bottles a day. I looked up how much I'm actually supposed to be drinking and at my weight I should be getting 125 oz. a day. Looks like I need to just about double my intake. Going from a total diet soda drinker, to a non-soda and only water drinker in less than 2 weeks..and now doubling the amount I'm drinking? I can do it, but I'm not going act happy about it! What's been working best for me is just downing a bottle whenever I think of it. 1 in the morning, 1 with each meal. I don't love water, so just getting it out of the way works for me. I'll just have to add 4 more bottles daily. Eegh.

My weight, I think, has gone down pretty considerably, but I'm not going to do an official weigh-in until I can get back on the same scale I initially weighed in on. Or, until my new scale comes in the mail.

I'm getting nervous about Thanksgiving because I know there will be stuff I want. I want to be able to control myself, but also not be a crazy dieter on that day. That day isn't really worth ruining what I've accomplished so far.

The kids and I all have colds so its making things more challenging. I'm going easy on myself but also reminding myself this isn't a reason to eat. I cleaned my house this morning. I'm counting sweeping/vaccuuming/picking things up as exercise.

My goals for the following week are to:
1.) Drink 125 oz. per day
2.) More veggies, less soy.
3.) As much exercise as possible.
4.) Control myself on Thanksgiving.

Until next week!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Karen, Friday.

This morning I had 2 coffees and 1 scrambled egg with mushrooms and bean sprouts and a little cheese and a faux sausage patty.
Lunch was stir fry with a little pasta.
Dinner, pasta with a few of the left over veggies and cheese.
I also had some Greek yogurt and a banana.

Kate's log 11/18/11 draft

I am having a hell of a time with my mind. I'm trying to sabotage my efforts. I don't know if its stress from the last few days, my time of the month...I just don't know. I haven't given in yet but my mind is there. I see my water intake slowing down and I'm putting more salt on things. All I want to do is sit and watch Roseanne with a chocolate carmel pudding cup.

2 large and 2 small cups of coffee. See? Slipping. Too much creamer.

1 cup multigrain cheerios. 1/4th cup milk. 1 medium banana.

Lunch. Left over stir fry from last night and garbonzo beans.
I also had another medium banana with lunch.

Dinner. 1 head broccoli, half a package of mushrooms and soy crumbles. I had more than what was I'm this picture.

I will have had at least 4 waters by the time I go to bed.

Highlight of my day was getting to show my oldest, Dash, what big-ass elk look like! We were trying to go for a walk for exercise, but there was a huge downpour and even snow in some spots.

Roosevelt elk.

And this is some sort of moss? fungi? that I've never seen before. I absolutely love it. The red is so unique!