Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Karen's 3 day gravy train.

Okay, I've got 2 days to log so here we go!

Tuesday, coffee, 2 eggs scrambled/cheese, pineapple and mandarin oranges.

1 cheese stick at Kate's while I babysat.

For dinner I had a baked potato. No butter or sour cream. It didn't need any cuz I covered it with gravy! a salad with tomatoes, bacos, cheese and oil and balsamic vinegar.

One margarita, tequila and diet Sun Drop.

Wednesday, today, I had to work so I was in a hurry. I packed a tuna sandwich and about a half cup of greek yogurt with some fruit to take with me. I ate the tuna that was left on on piece of bread for breakfast. Oh and I ate over the sink. Shit happens. And coffee of course.

Dinners ready, and it's graaaaavy! What can I say, I wanted gravy. I got my fill and I don't feel like I blew it so I'm happy :)

This is my grandson Dash holding a squash that I might eat someday.

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